Fill out the form below to purchase Digi CB Module Tab.

Do you already have an account? Please login

New User? Please register

Choose if you want to register a personal or company account.
Based on your choice, you will be shown the fields that you will need to fill in.
Privato = Person, Azienda = Company

In accordance with the Italian billing system, a personal identification number is required for creating the invoice. If you are not resident in Italy, you may enter seven X (XXXXXXX).


In accordance with the Italian billing system, an SDI code or a PEC address (legal mail) is required in order to receive the electronic invoice automatically generated by the system after each payment. If you are not resident in Italy, you may enter seven X (XXXXXXX) as SDI code.


Please note that you will only be able to perform product updates and request support for the number of domains included in your license.


€19.90 for each year
